Windows 95 Press Releases
Resources for Parental Control of Internet Content

This page provides parents and educators a single location to find the various options for monitoring the Internet content viewed by their children. Microsoft Internet Explorer works with these tools and other PICS-compliant offerings to help parents monitor and control access to Internet content. Microsoft is the first browser to integrate support for parental control based on the PICS spec.

More Information:

Microsoft Teams with Recreational Software Advisory Council

Industry Support:

Recreational Software Advisory Council
Recreational Software Advisory Council (RSAC) is a non-profit organization that provides an advisory system for software titles. They are extending their system for use on the Internet, based on the PICS technology.

Platform for Internet Content Selection
Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) is a W3C committee that has defined a technology standard for creating rating systems, and a mechanism for obtaining ratings of content types. PICS has recieved wide industry support. PICS provides a way for any number of rating systems can be supported simultaneously. The choice of which rating system to use is left up to the parent, and the content provider. Microsoft will support the PICS technology in future versions of Internet Explorer.

Here's a sneak preview of this feature as it will appear in the next version of Microsoft Internet Explorer:

Screen Shot